All ages refer to Little League "League Age"
(Determined by player's age on August 31st, 2025)
Ages 4
This is for 4 year-olds that are eager to get introduced to baseball. This level teaches focus and hand eye coordination. No games are associated with this level as practice is essential to ensure advancement to Tee-Ball.
Tee-Ball - Coed
Ages 5-6
Players hit off of a Tee. This is to develop the proper stance and swing. Also to let them focus on the hand and eye skill and not to just meet the ball. Players use a safety ball. T-ball level is recommended for children who have never played organized ball before. Depending on age and skill, 2 years in this division is recommended. Teams will be primarily formed based on player’s school.
A Minor BB (Coach Pitch) - Coed
Ages 7-8
Coach pitch league focused on teaching the fundamentals of baseball. Players should learn how the game of baseball works with put outs, hits, throwing and catching. Coaches pitch 3 strikes to players and if unsuccessful after 3 swings, players will hit off of a tee.
AA Minor BB (Machine Pitch/Player Pitch Hybrid) - Coed
Ages 8-10
Player pitch league focused on expanding the fundamentals of baseball. Players will learn how to handle adversity, how to support their teammates, and this will establish the building blocks for further baseball experiences. Machines will pitch to begin the season, transitioning to players pitching from 42' by the end of the season. Players will play with a hard ball and a protective cup is required.
AAA Minor BB (Player Pitch) - Coed
Ages 8-10
Player pitch league focused on expanding the fundamentals of baseball. Players will learn how to handle adversity, how to support their teammates, and this will establish the building blocks for further baseball experiences. Players will pitch from 46' to begin the season. Score will be kept and this will be a competitive league. Players will play with a hard ball and a protective cup is required. All-stars will be available at the end of the season for the best players in AAA.