Thank you for taking the CDC online Concussion Training Course.
Please make sure to save or print a copy of your completion certificate
for the league and your records.
To take the required CDC Concussion training,
you will need to create a CDC Train Login.
How to Create an Account in CDC TRAIN (Detailed Instructions)
1. Use your preferred internet browser and go to
2. If you already have a TRAIN account (TRAIN National, or a state TRAIN account), enter your login name and then your password and select Login. If you do not have a CDC TRAIN account, click the Create an Account link.
Account Creation
• Create your log in name. Your login name must be unique (with letters and numbers only), and you must enter a minimum of four characters.
• Your password must contain at least six characters with at least one capital letter and one number.
• Enter your work email address. If you don’t have one, enter your school or personal email address.
• Enter your first and last name.
• Select your time zone. Your time zone should be the same area your zip code is located in.
•Enter your work zip/postal code. If you do not have one, enter your school or personal zip/postal code instead.
• You must agree to all of CDC TRAIN policies. It is recommended that you read through the policies. Be mindful that you cannot use CDC TRAIN until you agree to the policies.
• After agreeing, click the Next Step button.
3. You will be prompted to select a more detailed group selection for CDC TRAIN. From the menu, select a Community of Practice/Group that aligns with your job role or work setting. Select Other if there are no matches for you. Select Continue.
It is recommended you choose, "Other" - "Other Public Health Interests" - "Not for Profit Organization" - "Other Nonprofit Organization".
4. You will be asked to confirm your selection. Select the green button to confirm.
5. If you are in a TRAIN state you might be asked to select a group for the state. Make the best selection and then select the confirm button. Most states have a “not a state employee” option or something similar.
6. Once the selections are confirmed, select the blue Finish Creating Account button.
7. The system will automatically log you in. Please use the Your Profile link either in notifications or in the top right corner (click on your name) to complete any required account information. You can search CDC TRAIN for courses without all required information, but in order to register and take a course you will need to complete your profile.
8. Areas of your profile that need to be updated will have a red exclamation mark next to it. Select the exclamation mark to update each field. Once you have completed each field, you will need to save the entry by selecting the Save button on the top right corner of the page. Continue this action until all fields have been updated.
9. Select Save and your account is now set up! You can close this section and register for your course.
Registering for a HEADS UP To Youth Sports Course:
1. Select the appropriate link below to go to the course you need to take for HEADS UP:
a. Coaches version:
b. Parents version:
c. Sports Officials and Athletic Trainers version:
d. All others:
2. The course details will load for the course. Please read carefully for any instructions.
3. To register, select the green Pre-Assessment tab.
4. The pretest will load in a new tab. Please select the Start Assessment button.
5. When you have completed the pre-assessment, please exit the tab. CDC TRAIN will still be open in another tab. Please select the Launch course button to begin the course.
6. If you need to leave the course prior to completing it, TRAIN will hold you in progress. You can return to the course by logging back into CDC TRAIN and selecting Your Learning on the home page. Your course will be listed here. Click on the In Progress link to re-launch the course.
7. Once you have completed the course, select the course exit button to close the course.
8. CDC TRAIN will still be open in the browser. Please select the Assessment Pending button to begin the post assessment.
9. One you have completed to post assessment, close the tab to return to CDC TRAIN. If you passed the post assessment with an 80 or higher, a certificate will be placed in your certificates in CDC TRAIN (Your Learning/Your Certificates).
10. If you fail, you may retake the post-assessment.
Please submit a copy of your completion certificate to the league safety officer.